Its been slow progress for the last few weeks. The holidays
were busy at work and we had family visit for a while, as well as SNOW
a couple of times. We're pretty wimpy out here in the southwest
when it comes to cool temperatures, but when the snow started, everyone
in the neighborhood ran outside to take pictures. It was a funny
scene with a bunch of middle-aged people in their bare feet and shorts
standing in the street taking pictures of the snow... |
Anyway, when I got the rear axle back from the powdercoater,
I washed it with soap and water to remove any traces of sand from the
sandblasting. That's what the white spots are...hard water deposits
on the shiny black powdercoat. This is also where the axle seals
must go. |
I went to Mazda and got rear axle seals for the 1985 RX-7 rear end and
popped them in using this piece of metal and a hammer. |
Here's the seal installed in the housing |
There's no gasket listed at Mazda for the housing-to-differential interface,
so I used a bead of RTV. The pumpkin (limited slip differential)
was then installed and the bolts torqued. |
I lubed the splines on the axles.. |
And the bearing retaining collar where it rubs on the axle seals |
and installed the axles |
These are the rest of the parts for one side...a spacer to provide clearance
between the wheel and brake calipers, the rear splined hub, the brake
caliper, the emergency or parking brake caliper and the brake disc.
The tower with the threads sticking out is for the bump-stop.
Here's the bump-stop installed with a nut and washer, and the brake
calipers and rotor installed |
Then, the spacer and splined hub are bolted down to the axle |
The emergency brake cable and the 1/8 pipe thread- to -internal flare
adapter in the wilwood caliper/ |
I cut the clevis from the stock Sprite parking brake arms and drilled
a hole in it to allow the new parking brake cable to attach to the actuator
arm on the mechanical spot caliper |
The cables need to be attached at this bolt on the rear end |
I need to make a mounting point that will hold the cables securely without
pinching them, so I took two pieces of aluminum and drilled a few holes
This is the finished cable clamp. |
And here's the complete rear axle with the brake fluid lines bent
and ready to install |
The axle installed in the car. I added some lowering blocks that
I had to bring the rear down another inch. I also had to have some
U-bolts made to fit the larger diameter of the Mazda rear end near the
bearing housings. |
The anti-tramp bars, freshly powdercoated and ready to intall... |
here they are in the car. The suspension does move freely through
full travel, even with the bars installed. cool. |
The next step was to modify the panhard rod to fit the larger Mazda
axle and finish the emergency brakes. Alas, the camera was off
on a hike while I was working in the garage.
This is what the camera saw. |
Saguaro and prickly pear cacti, and natural Sonoran desert. All
this is 15 minutes away from my house. |
So, when I got the camera back, this is what was done. I cut the
panhard rod at the end and installed a urethane center heim (rose) joint
and used the tubing bender to put a bend in the bar to clear the back
of the rear axle. |
On the right is the heim joint. I also hooked up the parking brake
cables |
WIth a few modifications, the lokar parking brake cables fit on the
stock Sprite e-brake lever. And they work, too! |
The brake calipers as seen through the wheel. |